  1.  39
    Interaction, transference, and subjectivity: A psychoanalytic approach to fieldwork.Linda Lundgaard Andersen - 2012 - Journal of Research Practice 8 (2):Article - M3.
    Fieldwork is one of the important methods in educational, social, and organisational research. In fieldwork, the researcher takes residence for a shorter or longer period amongst the subjects and settings to be studied. The aim of this is to study the culture of people: how people seem to make sense of their lives and which moral, professional, and ethical values seem to guide their behaviour and attitudes. In fieldwork, the researcher has to balance participation and observation in her attempts at (...)
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  2.  42
    Expanding Subjectivities: Introduction to the Special Issue on'New Directions in Psychodynamic Research'.Stephen Soldz & Linda Lundgaard Andersen - 2012 - Journal of Research Practice 8 (2):Article - E2.
    A major theme in recent psychoanalytic thinking concerns the use of therapist subjectivity, especially "countertransference," in understanding patients. This thinking converges with and expands developments in qualitative research regarding the use of researcher subjectivity as a tool to understanding, especially but not exclusively in observational and interview-based studies. Psychodynamic or psychoanalytic approaches to research add an emphasis on unconscious motivational processes in both researchers and research participants that impact research experience and data. Building upon Anglo-Saxon and continental traditions, this special (...)
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